Friday, October 18, 2013

Evelyn and Millie visit

It was great to have our drama friend Evelyn back at Lawrence Area School this week.  She brought with her a young girl 'Millie' who had been to several different schools and was looking for a new school to attend. Millie was not very keen to be starting at yet another new school as in the past she had got into trouble at school.  All she really wanted to do was to go and live with her Nana but she wasn't allowed.   Millie was wanting to know if Lawrence Area School would be a good school for her and why.  The junior school came up with lots of good reasons why our school would be a good place for Millie, including:
  • friendly kids who don't bully
  • nice teachers
  • we play lots of different sports
  • girls can play rugby (which Millie was really pleased to hear about)
  • cool camps and trips

The day after Evelyn and Millie's visit, Room 4 explored what life was like for Millie.  We produced some frozen images in of what Millie looked like and then created spoken thoughts - where we said aloud what Millie was thinking.  After that we got into small groups and came up with a situation that may have caused Millie to be feeling like this in her old school.  Once again, spoken thoughts were used to convey Millie and the other students' feelings in these situations.

See if you can spot Millie in these group frozen images and think about what might have happened to cause this situation...

Interestingly, we discovered that sometimes other children were just being plain mean and picking on Millie, some times Millie totally caused the problem, while other times Millie had good reasons for behaving the way that she did.  

For example, in Jenaya, Connie and Emma's group, who were eating lunch when Millie (Paris) came along and stole a sandwich, we found out by talking to Millie that she was actually starving, didn't have any lunch and also hadn't had breakfast.  We helped Millie to try to change her behaviour by asking the girls if she could have something to eat.  By simply changing one behaviour, the rest of the group changed theirs in response to this.    

Thursday 24th October
We re-visited Millie, creating a 'Role on the Wall' where we explored all of Millie's feelings, writing these inside the outline of her body. We had fantastic discussions about why she was feeling like thisat certain times. Around her body we wrote everything else that we knew about Millie. There was much debate about Millie's age, but eventually the majority of us agreed that she was most likely to be the same age as Room 4 students - 8-9 years old.

Friday 25th October
The students 'became' Millie and wrote a five minute quick-write diary entry.  These were a mixture of feelings about Millie's first day at Lawrence Area School - it was pleasing to note that they weren't all negative experiences.  Here are a select few for your reading pleasure...

Dear Nana,
I’m not sure if I want to go to this school.  I’ve already been to lots of schools and I really hope that this is the right one for me.  I know that they play lots of rugby.  Why can’t I come and live with you?
Love Millie (Blake)

Dear Nana,
Mum MADE me come to a new school.  I’m not sure if they will like me.  Children said that some teachers let you away with things and there are lots of boys that like rugby. 
From Millie
P.S.  Hope I see you soon  (Rubie)

Dear Nana,
I haven’t made any friends yet but I hope I will because they have all been quite nice to me.  I’ll have to remember though it is only my second day so I might still want to live with you.
Love from Millie  (Alyssa)

Dear Nana,
I went to a new school today.  It was called Lawrence Area School.  I actually quite liked it.  It was a good school with nice people.  I think I might go to this school and maybe stay with you for a holiday.
Love Millie xoxoxoxoxo   (Josie)

Dear Nana,
I don’t think I am ever going to find the right school.  I didn’t make any friends today.  Maybe school just isn’t the right thing for me.  I want to go and live with you but Mum won’t let me.  Everyone was laughing at me today.  Mum said I had to talk to them in their assembly.  I hate school.  I think I’ll never see you again.
Love from Millie  (Jessica)

Dear Nana,
You are the only one that I could trust.  You are the only friend I have and I really want to come and live with you.  I don’t want to go to school.  I do not like school.
Love Millie   (Jenaya)

To Nana,
My first day in Room 4 was very cool because I made some new friends.  The teachers were cool but I did not like the work.  I feel much better at this school because there are good people
Love from Millie   (Lanie)

Dear Nana,
I am not sure about this new school.  I’m nervous.  It just doesn’t feel right for me.  I feel lonely.
From Millie   (Alesana)

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