Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Our rights and our responsibilities

Today in room 4 we have been talking about being safe and happy in our school. We discussed how we all have rights, but we also have responsibilities.

This is what we learned:

We all have the right to be happy, but we also have the responsibility of allowing others to enjoy themselves. 
This means we have to always make sure that we are making others happy, and not making them feel sad. 

We all have the right to feel safe,  but we also have the responsibility to ensure that others are safe. So we should make sure our friends are not being bullied. We should remind people to make safe choices. 

We all have the right to be treated fairly  but we also have the responsibility to treat others fairly. This means we should always be kind and considerate of others and make sure they are happy and safe, then they will do the same for us.

We all have the right to have our efforts valued  but we also have the responsibility to all do my very best. This means that I should always do my very best work so that everybody values how hard I have tried and how well I am doing. I can not expect people to value my work if I am not doing my best work.

We all have the right to ask for help,  but we also have the responsibility of helping others. This means that we support them when they need help, but not do the work for them and we do not laugh at them if they can't do it as easily as we can.

We all have the right to be ourselves,  but we also have the responsibility to accept differences. This means that accept that everyone is good at different things, and that everyone look different and behave differently. We are all special in our own way and that is very important.

We all have the right to be heard,  but we also have the responsibility to listen. It is important that we listen to each other, and respect what everyone has to say. It is more important to listen than it is to talk (We know this because we have two ears and only one mouth!)

We all have the right to have opinions  but we also have the responsibility to respect and accept the opinions of others. This means, even though we might not agree with what someone is saying, we still have value what they have said. 

We all have the right to be free to say what we think about things  but we also have the responsibility of being responsible for our own actions and words. This means that we should think carefully before we say things and do things. If what we say or do is going to make someone else feel sad or unhappy, then we should not say or do it. 

We all have the right to have our property respected,  but we also have the responsibility to respect our own and other people's property. This means that we have to look after our own property, and we should not take any body else's property without their permission.

We all have the right to a tidy, well-organised classroom  but we also have the responsibility to keep the classroom space that we use tidy. This means that we should clean up after ourselves so that the room is always a nice space for everybody to work in. 

We all have the right to have quality resources for learning  but we also have the responsibility to look after our classroom resources. This means that we can't keep texts books and scissors in our desks because other kids can't use them. We should also take really good care of all the nice things in our school that help us learn, like iPads, computers, felts, school desks etc It also means that we don't delete other people's work or photos of iPads and computers. We also have to look after text books and reading books so that everyone can use them for many years.

We all have the right to be respected,  but we also have the responsibility to respect others. This means that in order for us to be respected, we have to be respectful of others. We should always treat others the way that we want to be treated. 

We think we have learned some pretty important messages today about what our rights and responsibilities are and we think that you might like to share these ideas with others so that they can feel happy and safe wherever they are too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17 June, 2014

    Wow Room 4 you have been super-busy learning some VERY important lifelong messages over the past couple of days. I can't wait to see you all putting these into action in our classroom.
