Thursday, May 8, 2014

Student of the Week - Samara

Samara thoroughly enjoyed our latest inquiry unit, learning all about New Zealand's living taonga (treasures).  She would make a great conservationist as she knows lots about our special native creatures, why they are endangered and how we can help to protect them, including creating predator-free islands and stopping from destroying their natural habitats.  Way to go Samara!


  1. Anonymous09 May, 2014

    Well done samara always making us so very proud from mum and dad

  2. Anonymous15 May, 2014

    Well Samara you must be good at lost of things From friend Lanie.

  3. Anonymous22 May, 2014

    Well done Samara, I think you did really good at your living taonga assessment. I think you should get a big trophy.
    Flynt rm7
