Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blubber experiment

This afternoon we conducted an experiment to try and see just how effective the adaptation of blubber is for penguins who live in Antarctica.
We began by asking our volunteer Jessica, to place her hand in a bowl of icy water (Antarctica).
 We timed how long she could keep her hand in the bowl before it got too frozen.  She lasted..... 9 SECONDS!!!!!
 Next Mrs O spread margarine all over Jessica's other hand - the margarine was acting as the blubber.

 After both sides of Jessica's left hand were plastered in margarine, her hand was wrapped tightly in gladwrap (acting as the skin and feathers of a penguin).
 Jessica then plunged her left hand in the same bowl of icy water and we began timing again.
 We waited...... and waited.... and waited...... Three and a half minutes later Jessica was still looking very calm and was in no hurry to end the experiment.  She said that her hand actually felt warm!
This was a quick and easy experiment to prove to us all the value of blubber for Antarctic animals.  It showed us how blubber helps animals to keep their body warmth in and not let the cold in.

EXTRA FOR EXPERTS - Can you think of another way of doing this experiment?  What else do you have at home that might act like blubber as the margarine did?  Post a comment if you've tried this at home.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Finished paintings

Check out Room 4's finished products - aren't they amazing!!!!! I would proudly hang some of these framed in my house they are so impressive!


On the last day of term we had a special Antarctica themed day. Most of this day was spent painting. We began by experimenting with painting techniques e.g. finger painting, dabbing with sponges, applying paint with brushes... The students also had to experiment with colour mixing. Initially they were only given blue, black and white and had to mix these colours to create a variety of shades. After experimenting time, each student was given a fresh piece of paper to draw a chalk outline of Antarctic penguins. They then had to use their three colours (and orange for beaks and feet) to mix, blend and create a painted penguin.

Happy 8th birthday Kate

We all got to help celebrate Kate's 8th birthday recently, as her mum Maria brought in lots of goodies for us to share for a celebration lunch. She'd even made a super-cool number 8 birthday cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE - we hope you had a blast!

Thanks for the yummy party food Maria!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holiday happenings

Room 4 students - Mrs May and Mrs O would love to hear about your holidays. What have you been up to? What has been a highlight for you?
Post a comment in the box below to let us all know about your 'holiday happenings'.

Easter colouring competition

Room 4's Easter colouring competition winner is..... MAC!

Enjoy your Easter treat from the librarians Mac.

Highlights of Term One

We have LOTS of positive things that have happened in Room 4 this term. Here are our highlights of the year so far....

  • Getting on to linking in my handwriting (Connie)

  • Getting my work finished on time (Regen)

  • Homework - I'd like more! (George)

  • I love writing now and I'm a good writer (Max)

  • Reading harder books (Mac)

  • Competing in the South Otago swimming champs (Rubie)

  • My writing getting neater in my books (Toby)

  • I learnt to dive when we went swimming (Jenaya)

  • Reading harder books (Hamish)

  • Going onto sloping in my handwriting (Jessica)

  • Reading, reading, reading (Emma)

  • Learning where to put speech marks in my writing (Kate)

  • Going into Room 7 for reading (William)

  • Coming 3rd in backstroke at the South Otago swimming champs (Rylee)

  • Being in the top Maths groups for maintenance and maths and learning decimals (Alex)

  • Coming 2nd in freestyle at the South Otago swimming champs (Lucie)

  • Doing linking in my handwriting (Abby)

  • Swimming (Lucy S)

  • Reading 12-13 year old books (Lucy W)

  • Being Student of the Week (Paris)

  • Sports Activator (Blake)