Monday, October 1, 2012

Dance Night

Anywhere in the World - Olympics Dance by Room 4 -
Click on the title above or photo below to go straight to the dance

This year for our Dance Night Performance we decided to create a dance that reflected the learning we had been doing about the London 2012 Olympic Games. We selected the song 'Anywhere in the World' as our music, as it was already associated with the games and the music was perfect for our dance.

We wanted to incorporate as many different sports into our dance as we could. The sports that we managed to include were running, skipping, rythmic gymnastics, swimming, boxing, basketball, gymnastics and weightlifting.

We opened our dance with the torch bearer, and we concluded our dance with the Olympic Rings. Everybody had input into the dance, particularly the students and it was a lot of fun to create and to dance to.

We had been studying the Olympic Values as we created and practised our dance and those that were largely reflected were Excellence, Determination, Inspiration, Respect, Friendship and Equality. We also believe we lived up to our school Motto which is "Strive to Excel'.

View the video on the link above and let us know what you think.
 Blake - Torch Bearer
 The Red Ring
 The Red Ring
 The Yellow Ring
 The Yellow Ring
 The Green Ring
 The Green Ring
 The Black Ring
 The Black Ring
 The Blue Ring
 The Blue Ring
 Starting positions...ready...

And the Olympic Rings to finish!!!!
Awesome work Room 4 - you made Mrs May and Mrs O extremely proud of you. You came up with a wonderful dance and you all performed beautifully on the night.
You are all Dance Stars!!!!


  1. Wow room 4 sure has got talent what a fantastic dance From Kates Aunty Kerri

  2. Dance night was super fun and just before dance night I had dancing. I really liked doing our dance.
