Saturday, November 24, 2012

Family kowhaiwhai art

Prior to our marae sleepover experience, Room 4 have been learning about the symbolism behind Maori works of art.  We spent a day learning about koru shapes and kowhaiwhai patterns and soon realised that these are not just pretty shapes - they represent things, usually people.

We began by experimenting with drawing koru shapes on paper and concrete.

It was great experimenting with a range of designs.

They just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger!
We then learnt about the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours.  Also complementary colours (those side by side on the colour wheel) and contrasting colours (those opposite each other on the colour wheel).
After all of our experimenting, we had the challenge of representing our own family in a kowhaiwhai design.  We had to make choices about who to represent in our art works, how to place koru shapes on the page, and which colours to use.  We tried hard to use complementary pastel colours for the koru shapes and a contrasting colour or colours for the background.

The last step was to create a koru framed border.
 Finally we shared our kowhaiwhai family art and explained why we had placed family members where we had.  The results are OUTSTANDING!!!!!

"Dad is on the left and Mum is on the right.  There are 5 children in my family." 

"Dad is behind us, he’s big because he’s the tallest in the family.  Jess, Bryce and I are with Mum because most of the time Dad is out on the farm or away in Dunedin or somewhere getting tools for the farm. I’ve drawn Mum and Dad like that because they live together."

"That is my step-Dad on the left.  Then Mum, me and Shannon.  I put my real Dad up the top becausehe’s part of me and Shannon’s lives.  My step-dad is part of our lives too."

"Mum and Dad are joined because they’re together, they always do lots of stuff together.  I’m with Dad because I mostly go fishing and hunting and help him on the farm. My brother is with Mum because he mostly sticks around with her." 

"Dad is on the left. Mum is on the right.  Kade and I are joined on to Mum because we spend more time with Mum."

"Dad is bigger than Mum.  Megan is bigger than me.  Mum and Dad’s heads are touching because they normally stick together, like they’re a team."

"Mia is in the middle of James and I because she’s the smallest. I’m close to Mum so that's why I'm near Mum in my picture and James is close to Dad. "

"That's me in the middle because I’m the smallest with Jaxon and Fletcher on either side.  You can tell that that’s Dad on the right cos he’s got a bigger tummy."

"Sam is red because her favourite colour is red.  Yellow’s not my favourite colour.  I couldn’t use purple because it’s not a complementary colour.  Sam usually snuggles up with Dad in bed so I’ve drawn her close to Dad.  I usually snuggle up to Mum so I’m close to Mum."

"Mum is on the left and Dad is on the right.  Gen, Kendra and Gab are together.  I put me with Mum because I’m usually with her and I still need her.  The other girls are OK by themselves."

"Mum is in the middle with her 5 children around her. Mum is really important. Grandma and Grandad are on the right because they are important people in my family. They visit us from England."

"There are two parts to my family.  Rueben and I are touching Mum because we live with Mum.  Rikilee is touching Dad because she sees Dad the most when Dad goes up north."

"Murphy is taller than me.  Mum is shorter than Dad.  I’m the shortest.  I’m beside Dad because I like going out on the farm with Dad."

"Madison is between Mum and Dad because she’s the youngest and she needs cared for more.  Lucie and I are on the right.  We are joined because we hang out together."

"That's me on the left, Rubie is on the right and Mads is in the middle, between Mum and Dad.  I’m on the left because my name starts with L and Rubie is on the right because she starts with R."

"Keegan is joined to Mum because he stays around the house with mum. Christopher and I are joined to Dad because we go to work with him.  Matt is over to the side because soon he’s not going to be living with us."

"Me, Isla and Tom are up the top.  Dad lets me come out on the bike with him and Isla sometimes so we're close to Dad in the picture. Tom has to stay with Mum because he’s only one." 

Mum and Dad are around us 4 kids.  I’m close to Mum because I always have to go to the shop with Mum.  I would’ve put Adam taller than Dad but there wasn’t enough room." 

"That's me inside Dad – I’m usually working with Dad on the farm.  Blaize usually goes with Mum.  Dad’s taller than Mum so that’s him on the left."

"Us three girls are joined to Dad because that koru was going to be Mum but I drew it too big.   We should be joined to Mum because she spends more time with us and she doesn’t have to go to work every day of the week."

"Mum is in middle because we usually spend more time with her.  Dad is bigger so he’s coming out the side bigger.  My twin sisters are in between Anna and I because we care for them."

Blake and William's pictures still to come......

Rhyming Narratives

This week we were inspired by Mrs Blackmore's book 'The Lawrence Lions' as well as a variety of the Kiwi Corkers series, where narratives have been written in rhyming verse.  So we were randomly paired (using a pack of cards) and given the challenge to write our own version of a known fairy tale or known story.  It was ALOT harder than we thought it would be and we all soon realised how important it is to choose the most appropriate word to end each first line.  Here's what we came up with...

Alice in Wonderland
A little girl named Alice fell in a hole,
And found an ugly looking mole.
She looked around, she was in a wonderland,
Beautiful music was coming from a band.

She saw a tea party down the road,
And a rabbit carrying a heavy load.
Their manners were bad but they didn't seem to matter,
Because all the delish food was spread out on a platter.

Alice was hungry, she wanted some food,
But their manners were too rude.
Finally they offered her a scone – cheese,
Then she was very pleased.

She fell down to the ground,
Everyone gathered around.
The animals knew it was poisonous, it was their trick,
She was going to wake up so they ran away quick.

Written by Jessica and Rubie

Inspired by The Moa Cave
Tyler and Hine got stuck in a cave,
Trying not to worry and be very brave.
Looking at the next Mopsi was there,
But where was Hopi?  He was nowhere.

On the second day in the tattered old den,
Hine was searching and found a new friend.
But sadly it was bones covered in dust,
Somehow Hine knew she could trust.

The greenstone pendant lay amongst the bones,
But the skeleton was laying on the gizzard stones.
They tried to get out with all their might,
But then suddenly gave up the fight.

6 years later they were still in the cave,
Lying by Ata in their very own grave!!!!
They were never forgotten by their good friend Mandy,
But where they were lying it was a little sandy.

One day up at Woolshed Bay,
A tourist came travelling to say Gidday.
“You’ll never guess what I just found,
Under this great big mound....”

Written by Lucy W and Jay

Jack and the Beanstalk
One hot summers day a little brave boy,
Brought some beans off a man called Poy.
Mum came back from work and looks in disgrace,
With a very angry look on her face.

“Why, why did you sell our very own horse for these silly things?
I’d rather have some diamond rings.”
She throws the beans out the window and sent him to bed,
Without knowing what lies ahead.

He wakes up at dawn and gets a big fright,
Climbs up the stalk with all his might.
He pops his head out through the cloud,
Then he begins to scream out loud.

He saw a house of candy and gum,
Wouldn’t it be great if it was all in his tum.
He knocks on the door and gets no reply,
There in the window is a green beady eye.

His stomach rumbled all over the place,
He couldn’t stand not to have a taste.
He saw something coming and thought it was a witch ,
But it turns out it was a big snitch.

He runs to the stalk and slides right down
Sees his mum with a great big frown.

The snitch followed him down the stalk,
And went to his mum for a little talk.
He got in trouble for running away,
He promised Mum he would always stay.

Written by Alex and Paris

The Three Little Pigs
The three little pigs were running away,
They thought they could have a little play.
On and on they went until they came to a stream,
One caught a fish that looked supreme.

They built a fire to cook the fish,
It was a really delicious dish.
After building a bridge of sticks,
They made a house out of bricks.

The next day on their way to the city bay
They saw a wolf that looked like he needed paid.

The wolf saw the pigs and thought they would look,
Like they really needed cooked.
So that was the end for the little pigs,
So a grave Mr Wolf had to dig.

Written by William and Max

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood was on her way,
To her Grandmas house on a very hot day.
As she was skipping through the woods,
Out jumped a big bad wolf called: POOD POODS!

She was carrying bacon and a bottle of spray,
She sprayed the wolfs eyes and ran away.
She reached Grandmas house and rang the doorbell,
The wolf was in the house and thought: Oh hell!

He threw on a mask and Grandma’s clothes,
He said “Come in dear and.. hello!”
She opened the door and could not believe her eyes,
Grandma was there, what a surprise!

She looked at Grannies hands with big fat claws,
Turned around and ran to the door.
It was .... Pood Poods!
So she ran fast back into the woods.
She ran back home and said “Phewf!
I’m not going back in there, I’ll get caught by another wolf!”

Written by Mac & Venessa

The Three Little Pigs
The three little pigs were on their way,
To go the river to have a play.
The oldest one lay down for a nap,
While the other two go on the new ipad app.

Then the big bad wolf comes out from his bush,
Grabs the littlest pig and goes off in a woosh.
The other two pigs could not believe their eyes,
They kept on gazing in surprise.

They were going to the zoo to visit the camels,
And all the other awesome mammals.
As they go get in the car,
They heard a big creak and in came a man from the bar.

Their mother roared up the engine before he got in,
The littlest pig threw him in the bin.
They never got to the zoo,
Them and their mother cried “Boo hoo”.

Written by Abby and Emma

Inspired by The Moa Cave
Tyler and Hine set off for their cave,
Overnight there was a massive wave.
That ginormous wave blocked the only way out,
They had to try really hard not to pout.

They searched and searched in the den,
Finally found a way out of the pen.
They were very happy to see broad daylight,
Although it kinda hurt their sight.

They got in a fight with two big beasts,
They finally gave in so they didn’t become a feast.
Tyler showed them some ancient treasure,
For Grunty and Shifty it was a great pleasure.

Tyler and Hine finished their dare,
With a kiss for each other, more than fair.
When they reached the bay they tried not to sway,
For their legs were wobblier than a horse on a stack of hay.

Mandy was happy to see her two great friends,
After they’d been on a road with too many bends.
Cold and frightened they went back to Woolshed Bay,
Meanwhile in the cave their old friend Ata lay.

With goodbyes for each other they set off back home,
Hoping next time they wouldn’t see each other with moa bones.
The next year the cave opened as a museum,
So Mandy brought her best friend Em.

Mandy, Tyler and Hine remained great mates
Although the following year they didn’t have as much on their plates
They always remembered Ata in the cave
Also the time when they had to be brave.

Written by Lucie and Rylee

The Three Little Pigs
Three little pigs lived in a small house,
Wasn’t even enough room for a mouse.
Mother pig said “It’s time you pigs went away”
The first little pig built a house of hay.

The second little pig built himself a house of sticks,
And the third little pig built a house of bricks.
A wolf came sneaking behind the house of hay,
The first little pig said “Oh please go away.”

Breathing through his nostrils the wolf blew the house down,
So the first little pig went screaming through the town.
The wolf found the second little pig home alone,
He went charging and doing a big moan.

“Let me in you silly thing”
The second little pig was so worried he broke his ring.

When suddenly he heard – karate kick,
It was his mother, then he saw some ick.
So he said “Throw him into the ick”.  Splat! 
Then the wolf was bitten by a cat.

Written by Toby and Kurt

Inspired by The Moa Cave
While at the beach Tyler and Hine explored a cave,
They found Ata lying in his grave.
His bones were covered in dust and dirt,
He didn’t even have a shirt.

Along came a big wave ,
And blocked their way out of the cave.
Tyler tried to do it his way,
Hit a wave but still breathing again.

Tyler finally made it out to tell the others,
“Quick go and get Hine’s brothers”.
Finally they rescued Hine too,
They all checked if she was ok and she said “Phew.”

Written by Regen and Blake

Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack was in a running race,
His cow was keeping up the pace.
He dropped to the ground and looked around,
He couldn’t believe what he had found.

There on the ground right beside him,
Were some beans that looked delightning.
He shoved them into his pocket with delight,
And took off with a fright.

While he was running round and round,
The beans dropped onto the ground.
They grew and grew up so high,
He couldn’t believe they touched the sky.

Jack scrambled up the stalk,
And whipped out a lovely fork.
He looked up with his eyes,
And saw a surprise.

There on the hill a house of straw,
A wolf that was coming out that he saw.
The cow saw the wolf, the wolf saw the cow,
The wolf took off with a little howl.

The first little pig made a sound,
Heard something then turned around.
There he saw Jack with his cow,
Also saw that the wolf had taken off with a howl.

All the pigs gathered around,
And weighed 200 pound.
The pigs gave a little talk,
And looked up at the stalk.

Jack explained how he got here,
While he was eating a pear.
The wolf came back in despair,
He was fiddling with his ear.

Jack looked at poo,
And took off with a “hoo”
Then he came to his house,
And jumped into bed as quiet as a mouse.

Written by Connie and George

The Three Little Pigs
The three little pigs were running away,
They thought they could have a little play.
On and on they went until they came to a stream,
They lay down for a nap and they had a dream.

When they woke up they found all the food was gone,
Except for one little scone!
Then they set off to find the food,
And the three little pigs were in a very angry mood.

The three little angry pigs thought and thought where all the food had disappeared to,
Then they went home and found their mother had the flu.
So the oldest pig gave their mother a dose of drugs,
And they also gave her a couple of hugs.

Written by Kate and Lucy S

Inspired by The Moa Cave
Tyler and Hine found a cave,
Where Ata was lying in his grave.
There they saw a moa bone,
With that bone they got a loan.

With that money they got a boat,
They hoped and hoped it stayed afloat.
But very soon they came to think,
That it will surely sink.

They saw a tank had floated by,
And the people on it said “Hi.”
They all needed to be saved,
And they never forgot the day they were brave.

Written by Jenaya and Hamish

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Student of the Week - Jenaya

Congratulations to this week's well-deserving Student of the Week. Jenaya always works hard and is keen to learn.  She will be a terrific role model to the younger students in Room 4 next year.  Top effort Jenaya!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Student of the Week - Lucy W

Congratulations to Lucy W who is this week's student of the week for her outstanding progress in numeracy and spelling testing for 2012.  It's wonderful to see students such as Lucy making real gains in their learning, and applying themselves across many curriculum areas.

Congratulations also to: Lucie, Emma, Kate, Abby, Hamish, Alex and William, along with Lucy W, who progressed more than one year in their spelling age this year. FANTASTIC RESULTS!!!!!!

School Fair

On Friday night Lawrence Area School had our school fair. Everyone had a wonderful time for many different reasons. Some of the students in room 4 have written about school fair for Quick Write and their writing has been included here along with some photos of the evening.
I jump out of the truck. I run into the gym. I see what activities there are. There is a balloon popping one and a golf one but I didn't do it. - Max
Last Friday I went to the school fair and I went to balloon pop and then to the princess room. It was amazing. Then I popped the balloon and I won a prize. I chose a drink bottle and a red throwing toy. Then I saw Rylee and I played with her and Connie, then we all went on the fire engine three times. Then there was fireworks and I scared Mrs O by saying "BOO!" - Venessa
Wee-oo, wee-oo! Beep, beep! The mini fire truck was going. The candy floss machine was going. I go up and get some more jellies with Mrs O up at the school. I got lucky on the pop the balloon. I love school fair. Then boom, boom! The fireworks were going. I really like school fair. - Alex
Dear Diary
Wow the school fair was a-ma-zing!!! I even won a box of biscuits off Mr. Howell and his chocolate stand. At the bottom of the tin is a place where you can put a candle and it shines through the windows. Thank you Mr Howell. But the firewroks was my favourite,
signed Toby
I see thousands of people. I go look round to see what there is. There's candy floss from room 3. There was 'pop the balloon' by room 6 and 'jelly and ice-cream' by room 4. The very first thing I got was candy floss. There were three different colours of candy floss. There was blue, white and pink. Later on I saw a fire engine but it was little and I went on that tonnes of times. I became a princess by Ashley. You made a crown, you made a wand with Ashley and then you got your nails painted by Mrs Kenny. Then you got glitter on your face and you got lollies and punch and a picture to colour in. Lucky last it was the fireworks. The were fan-tab-u-lous! - Connie

BANG! A balloon just popped. Now it's time for my prize. Score! Dream chocolate. Then I had a go at the coin toss game and then I went to the fire truck with George. He lost $2.00 and then we got given some sparklers. 2 boys got 2 sparklers and put it on a glow stick then it set on fire. Then the big fireworks cracked off. I can't wait till next time. - William
9th November 2012. It's school fair at six o'clock. I don't know what to wear. I'm so crazy right now. Ahh, finally something to wear. I get in the car and head to the fair. There are heaps of people. There's some I know from Waitahuna and Lawrence. It is so much fun having the fireworks and hanging out with my friends and going out on the fire truck was fun too. It was cool too because it was my Mum's birthday, so awesome. I ate chips and drank 3 drinks. It was fun doing balloon pop, coin toss and the chocolate wheel. - Regen
On Friday was the school fair. Room 4 was selling jelly and ice-cream with 100's and 1000's on top. I wonder how much money we raised? I went on the mini fire truck. It went beep-beep. I was also a bit annoyed because when I went on babies were on and they cried and cried. Now can you see how fun the school fair was? Last of all was boom, boom, boom, the fireworks started. Lots of colours, like green, purple and red filled the sky. Then we went home to sleep. - Lucie
"Mum, Mum, where should I go first?" The candy floss stall? The jelly and ice-cream? Or the coin throw? Then Mum said "Go to whatever you want to." So I went to the coin throw, room 7's stall. The coin throw was really fun because we got 4 poker chips for $2.00. Then I had to stay behind a line and throw a poker chip into a container that had a little sign on it saying 1, 2, 3 or 4. I got a poker chip in a container that said 2 and 3. The prizes I got were a little tin of mints with a hi-lighter and the other prize was a pen and a pencil. - Kate
Fun, fun, fun, fun, so cool, school fair. What am I going to do first? Coin toss? Jelly and ice-cream? Meet up with my friends? Or just wander? I will just wander. Then I smell the juicy smell of fireworks getting ready, like 3 hours later. - Rubie
I hear  laughing and kids begging for money. I've only got ten dollars. What to buy? There's too many things to do. Boom! goes the fireworks. "Wow! They were awesome fireworks," I said. - Hamish
As I walked into the amazing school fair I saw candy floss, jelly and ice-cream, a little fire engine and much, much more. The school fair smelled and looked delicious. The school fair went for ages. I enjoyed the school fair, especially the ending that was amazing to watch. I really wanted to stay and I wish the school fair never ended. I love school fairs. - Jay
As I run staright to the school fair I can smell jelly and ice-cream. I can hear the siren of the fire truck. I walk into the gym. I see the books, the white elephant stall, the pop the balloon and the candy floss stall. What will I do first, as I look down at my money. I go to the jelly and ice-cream stall and choose my jelly and choose my sprinkles. Once I had finished it I went to the book stall and Mum bought me a book. Mum let me go and get some candy floss. I saw Jessica and Shannon there. We had to wait a long time. I shared it with Lucie. After me and Connie went on the fire engine. Then the fireworks went off and it was very colourful. - Abby
I ran as fast as I could to beat Shannon from getting to the front of the line for candy floss, but I got there first. Then I saw Abby coming to get some candy floss too. We had to wait and wait for a long time. Suddenly I got my candy floss. It was sitting in my hand while I was staring at the jellybean jar. Then I went to the fairy princess grotto. I got my nails done, my face done, and made a crown and a pretty wand. I went to the fire engine and all the room 7 boys were chasing the fire engine. When almost all of the fun things had happened there were sparklers and firewroks. Boom, boom, pop, boom, boom, pop. Lots of wonderful colours pop in the sky making a wonderful sight to see. In the end I wasn't scared about the fireworks any more. - Jessica
The smell of candy floss floats through the air, followed by ice-cream and mouth-watering jelly. The stench of oil from the BBQ makes its way into the sky. Screaming, laughing, crying, balloons popping and talking, this is what I hear. Stalls are everywhere. This is the school fair!!!
Bang, bang, boom, boom! Ahhhhh, 5 years olds screaming, fireworks booming, parents chattering. This is what I hear. The smell of smoke is what I smell. - Lucy W

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pet Day

 On Tuesday we held our Lawrence Area School Pet Day. It was a fantastic day to show case our pets, and we all loved the opportunity to show our friends and teachers our most treasured pet.
In Room 4 we had all prepared a project about our pet at home. We had written all about our pet's personality and what we do to look after our pet. We all did a spectacular job of our projects and our teacher's were very impressed.
We also had the opportunity to create a veggie pet at home if we wanted to, and those who did had them displayed at pet day for everyone to admire. Mr Auld picked out Toby's as being the best creation from room 4. Unfortunately we didn't get a photo of all of the creations, but here are the one's we did get pictures of...

Jessica's crocodile.
Kate's Horse.
 Alex's Girrafe
 Abby's Cow
 Blake's Duck and Hedgehog
On pet day I took my little sister and she was a lady bird. I could hear dogs barking, two cats relaxing in the sun and one goat eating things off vegetable pets as people were taking them home. Kylie was showing us what her horse could do. It was boring. My sister was not in a good mood. - Blake
 Jenaya's Dog
 Mr Auld also selected two projects from Room 4 that he thought had been exceptionally well done. They were Lucy Wickcliffe's project and Connies project. This is a picture of Connie's fabulous poster about her lamb Monty.
 Kylie Lyders started Pet day off with a dressage demonstration which was very impressive and had all of the horse enthusiasts enthralled. Thanks Kylie it was AWESOME!!!
 Mac & Dove
 Venessa & Sky
 Toby & Milly
 Kurt found a 'pet rock'.
On pet day I forgot it was pet day and I left my pet rock at home. Then I found a rock so I picked it up and it was just before pet day so I was lucky and I called it Steve. At the end of pet day everyone got a certificate for being at pet day. - Kurt
 George & Wilbur
I walk passed people with cats, dogs and lambs. I've brung my dog. His breed is a basset hound. He's ten and a half, but I don't know how many dog years that is. He's dressed up as a beach dog. We could get one of my shirts on him but the hat on his head would cover his eyes and my sun glasses would slip off his little face, but at least he had a good time. And i did as well. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have got a certificate. Know matter how old and smelly he is I still love him the way he is. - George
 Alex takes Ed around the obstacle course
 Rylee & Joey
Dogs barking, cats meowing, lambs bleating, a calf is mooing and a horse id neighing. Pet day is very noisy. If you look around you will see mothers yanking leads, pets, cages, trucks, horse floats, teddy's and so much more. When you touch the pets you will feel fluffy manky coats, soft silky coats, fuzzy warm coats and puffy woolly coats. Pet day is exciting and tiring, especially if you have had swim club just the night before. - Rylee
 Alex & Ed
 Lucy takes Sonic over the obstacle course and Max takes Molly
 Max & Molly
 Lucy & Sonic
When I got my pet dog I was so excited because I really wanted it to be there. It was the best pet day ever. But when the other dogs and cats and goats got there it was so loud and there were lots of animals there. There were small animals and big animals and I saw Kylie Lyders' horse. - Lucy S
 Lucy & Sammy
 Jenaya & Ruger
Pet day was finally here. I took my pet dog Ruger and Kylie and her horse showed some stuff like cantering and dressage. - Jenaya
 Over the obstacles they go.
 Connie & Bazil race Jenaya & Ruger

Jay & Possum the cat
Jay & Possum
Lucy & Sammy
Lucie & Eve - her 'alternative pet'.
Emma & Neil
As Neil my goat hops off the back of the truck he goes hopping, skipping, running, jumping and butting. He didn't know what to do first. Neil ran over to the grass, chomped it down and tried to chew on his bandana. "NO Neil! Don't chew your bandana!" - Emma
Rubie & Cuddles, her alternative pet.
Abby & Daisy