Monday, November 12, 2012

Pet Day

 On Tuesday we held our Lawrence Area School Pet Day. It was a fantastic day to show case our pets, and we all loved the opportunity to show our friends and teachers our most treasured pet.
In Room 4 we had all prepared a project about our pet at home. We had written all about our pet's personality and what we do to look after our pet. We all did a spectacular job of our projects and our teacher's were very impressed.
We also had the opportunity to create a veggie pet at home if we wanted to, and those who did had them displayed at pet day for everyone to admire. Mr Auld picked out Toby's as being the best creation from room 4. Unfortunately we didn't get a photo of all of the creations, but here are the one's we did get pictures of...

Jessica's crocodile.
Kate's Horse.
 Alex's Girrafe
 Abby's Cow
 Blake's Duck and Hedgehog
On pet day I took my little sister and she was a lady bird. I could hear dogs barking, two cats relaxing in the sun and one goat eating things off vegetable pets as people were taking them home. Kylie was showing us what her horse could do. It was boring. My sister was not in a good mood. - Blake
 Jenaya's Dog
 Mr Auld also selected two projects from Room 4 that he thought had been exceptionally well done. They were Lucy Wickcliffe's project and Connies project. This is a picture of Connie's fabulous poster about her lamb Monty.
 Kylie Lyders started Pet day off with a dressage demonstration which was very impressive and had all of the horse enthusiasts enthralled. Thanks Kylie it was AWESOME!!!
 Mac & Dove
 Venessa & Sky
 Toby & Milly
 Kurt found a 'pet rock'.
On pet day I forgot it was pet day and I left my pet rock at home. Then I found a rock so I picked it up and it was just before pet day so I was lucky and I called it Steve. At the end of pet day everyone got a certificate for being at pet day. - Kurt
 George & Wilbur
I walk passed people with cats, dogs and lambs. I've brung my dog. His breed is a basset hound. He's ten and a half, but I don't know how many dog years that is. He's dressed up as a beach dog. We could get one of my shirts on him but the hat on his head would cover his eyes and my sun glasses would slip off his little face, but at least he had a good time. And i did as well. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have got a certificate. Know matter how old and smelly he is I still love him the way he is. - George
 Alex takes Ed around the obstacle course
 Rylee & Joey
Dogs barking, cats meowing, lambs bleating, a calf is mooing and a horse id neighing. Pet day is very noisy. If you look around you will see mothers yanking leads, pets, cages, trucks, horse floats, teddy's and so much more. When you touch the pets you will feel fluffy manky coats, soft silky coats, fuzzy warm coats and puffy woolly coats. Pet day is exciting and tiring, especially if you have had swim club just the night before. - Rylee
 Alex & Ed
 Lucy takes Sonic over the obstacle course and Max takes Molly
 Max & Molly
 Lucy & Sonic
When I got my pet dog I was so excited because I really wanted it to be there. It was the best pet day ever. But when the other dogs and cats and goats got there it was so loud and there were lots of animals there. There were small animals and big animals and I saw Kylie Lyders' horse. - Lucy S
 Lucy & Sammy
 Jenaya & Ruger
Pet day was finally here. I took my pet dog Ruger and Kylie and her horse showed some stuff like cantering and dressage. - Jenaya
 Over the obstacles they go.
 Connie & Bazil race Jenaya & Ruger

Jay & Possum the cat
Jay & Possum
Lucy & Sammy
Lucie & Eve - her 'alternative pet'.
Emma & Neil
As Neil my goat hops off the back of the truck he goes hopping, skipping, running, jumping and butting. He didn't know what to do first. Neil ran over to the grass, chomped it down and tried to chew on his bandana. "NO Neil! Don't chew your bandana!" - Emma
Rubie & Cuddles, her alternative pet.
Abby & Daisy

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