Sunday, May 31, 2015

Camp - Mummy Activity

After tea we took part in a cool activity about the egyptian mummy. At the Otago museum they have a mummy who is over 2,000 years old. She is a very tiny woman who died in her thirties. It was pretty interesting to see what a mummy looks like and what they were buried in. Then we had an activity where they told us all bout the mummification process. The process used to take over a month because they would dry the body out by filling it with salt. They used to put sticks up a persons nose and scrambled the brains then pull the brains out through the nose. They would remove all of the organs and preserve them in a special jar. The only organ that would be left in the body would be the heart, because that was very important if you were to make it to the after-life. Danny was our corpse for the evening and we all got to help out turn him into a mummy. Check out our photos. 
Mummy Activity on PhotoPeach

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