Friday, May 25, 2012

Elephant and Mouse Quick Write

Friday 25th May - a few samples of today's five minute Quick Write

“Stop”.  I’m getting stomped on.  Yuck, I don’t want to die.  I hold my tiny claw up.  I hear a humongous trumpet from the elephant.  Thump.  “Ow”  I’m covered in mud, grass and heaps of poo from the ground all around.  Yuck!   - Abby.

Smashing, crashing, banging and thump, thump, thump is all I hear around me.  A ginormous shadow crowds me.  I run and jump at the same time the thumping and jumping follows as I run.  And there is the ginormous animal crowding me  - George

No, don’t step on me.  But it was too late.  Squash!  I... couldn’t... believe I was going to die.  Bll!  This is the end of this mouse.   - Toby

“Rrrr.”  There is an elephant.  I go “Rrrrr” again.   I said to myself ‘I am going to die’.  If I could push the elephant’s foot... but it didn’t work because it was too heavy for a little mouse like me....  Jenaya

As I walk across the grassy lands of Africa I see a huge, ginormous elephant even bigger than me.  You see I can get stomped on so easily because I’m really small and tiny.  As I run as fast as I can, he spots me just like a witch.  So I went on the tree stump and introduced myself.  “Hi, I am called mouse.  Who are you?”    - Jessica

Aaaaaah you’re squashing mmmmmmeeeehhh.  Get off meeeee.  Please just get off.  I’ll give you peanuts.  Just get off!  Phew he’s off.  Oh no here comes a big herd of elephants!  I sprint but then....    Connie

“What are you doing to me?  I don’t want to be squashed and stomped by big foot.  Call the cops.  Wait there are no cops in animal life.  I hate this place.”  - Blake

What on earth is going on?  I am getting squashed by an elephant.  I’m going to die.  This is freaky.  I hate this place...   Max

What am I doing?  I have a big paw and I am about to get squashed.  Oh no.....  Lucy S

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